Chummy Parts Price Gallery
Windscreen pre 1926 £1200.
 Windscreen 1926-29 £950.
Windscreens are fitted with laminated safety glass only
Screen end caps £10. each
Screen wing nuts £14. each
Side screen kits        all other Tourers available £465.
Over taking mirror fits on screen upright £65.
Rear view mirror £30.
Tax disc holder brass, nickel or chrome £45.
Hood frame made to order     £965.
Hood swivel pins £36. pair
Hood catches early £38. pair
Hood catches   £38. pair
Hood rest £38.
Hood straps N/A
Body moulding £85.
Door shut plate £30. pair
Door shut top casting finished and nickel plated £98.
Interior door handle £56. pair
Exterior door handle £48. each
Door locks as original £35. each
Seat hinges £15. each
UJ cover plate £12.
Gear box tunnel cover pre 1926 £30.
Gear box tunnel cover 1926-29 £42.
Steering column bracket £28.
Advance & retard levers £36. pair
Advance & retard column centre casing £28.
Advance & retard linkages bottom £36.
Advance & retard rods £24.pair
Throttle spring £6.
Throttle linkage pedal £38.
Choke ring nickel plated                                     £8.
Choke bulkhead bracket £18.
Number plate rear with light brackets £28.
No plate mounting bar rear £24.
No plate body U brackets for rear floor £28.
No plate front £14.
No plate mounting front £12. pair
Light brackets rear £14. each
Lucas rear light barrel type £52. each
Headlight brackets 1926-29 £36. pair
Headlight brackets scuttle mounted £32. pair
Headlamp R47 as original £550. pair
Wing stays £28. each
Radiator mounting brackets early 23-27 £40. pair
Radiator mounting brackets late 28-30 £40. pair
Radiator wing badge for cowl £24.
Radiator badge Austin script £24.
Screws for radiator badge £4. pair
Radiator caps 11/8th 11/4” £35.
Austin wings for rad cap chrome or nickel £32.
Boyce meter £100.
Hose clips Enots brass or nickel £10. each
Radiator hoses all years £22. pair
Bonnet catches £36. pair
Bonnet stays £24.
6” Brake back plates £20. each
Rear spring pin bushes set 4 £16.
Rear spring pins £18.each
Mag switch C.A.V £38.
Mag straps brass as original £32.
Magneto coil conversions complete £485.
Blic Magneto end cover nickel £22.
Simms drive brass £24.
Simms coupling rubber £15.
HT lead per foot £1.
HT lead sets with HT connectors £14.
HT lead connector’s £2. each
Fan belt mag Chummy £12.
Fan pulley Chummy & Box £32.
Dynamo end cover nickel £36.
Nobby spring assistors £78. pair
Luggage rack folding with light bracket £350.
Petrol dip stick as original Prima £32.
Petrol cap screw or bayonet type £30.
Petrol tap £30.
Horn button nickel or chrome £24.
Rist horn reproduction 6 or 12 volt £85.
Rist horn badge £10
Austin Body disc & quote this no £24.set
Speedo face Silver 0-60pa £24.
Speedo face Black 0-60 pa £24.
Speedo cables from £24.


BOX & RUBY PARTS Price Gallery
Luggage rack Box £350..
Patent plate Ruby luggage rack £6.
Spare wheel cover locating plates Ruby £9. pair
Wheel centres Stainless steel Ruby £20. each
7” Brake back plates Box and Ruby £20. each
Boot latch cover chrome Ruby £14.
Bumpers stainless with end stops and bumper bolts Ruby £285. pair
Bumper end stops Ruby £12. each
Bumper bolts Ruby £7.50 each
Number plates £14. each
No plate rear with light brackets Box £24.
No plate fixing brackets rear Box £18. pair
No plate fixing brackets front Box £6. pair
Bonnet vent handle Ruby £8. each
Bonnet catches Ruby set of 4 £90. set
Bonnet catches Box £38. pair
Door locks Box as original £36. each
Door shut plate Box £24. pair
Door shut plate Ruby £24. pair
Sunroof clamp complete £36.
Sunroof clamp rail £24.
Sunroof hand pull chrome £12.
Sun visor complete Box & Ruby £68.
Rear view mirror Box, Ruby & Chummy £32.
Overtaking mirror Ruby clamp on door hinge £65.
Overtaking mirror Box £65.
Tax disc holder Box & Ruby chrome £48.
Wiper arms £24.
Wiper blades £9. each
Throttle rod Box £30.
Throttle rod Ruby £30.
Throttle spring £6.
Bulkhead choke bracket Box 1931-32 £18.
Horn button box £14.
Rist horn reproduction 6 volt or 12 volt £85.
Prima petrol dipstick 4 & 5 gallon available £32.
Petrol cap Box & Ruby £28.
Oil cap bayonet type £28.
Ruby cowl wing badge £24.
Ruby Austin seven script £24.
Rad badge fixing screws £4. pair
Ruby Arrow £12.
Indicator knob Ruby £14.
Radiator cap Ruby £20.
Radiator Cap Box £28.
Radiator Cap for Boyce Meter £36.
Boyce Meter Brass or chrome £100.
Fan belt coil Box & Ruby £10.
Fan pulley Box £20.
Top water inlet £15.
Top water gasket £1.
Side water manifold £24.
Side water gasket £1.
UJ cover Box £12.
Headlamps LB 130 Box Chrome £450. pair
Headlamps LB 130 Ruby £550.
Lucas badge for LB 130 £6.
Lucas Diffuser stickers £6. set
Headlamp brackets short wheel Box 1931 £36. pair
Light bracket rear £14. each
Pork pie rear light £52.
Ruby rear stop tail light, wing mounted £52.
Reflectors red for rear wing £14.each
Lucas rear light barrel type £52.
Starting handle coil £28.

Bearings all supplied for A7 p.o.a
009 Distributor inc drive gear £115.
Distributor drive gear £22.
Points, Rotor arm & Condenser 009 at £6.each
Dynamo end cover early nickel plated £32.
Speedo cables all years from £24.
HT lead per foot £1.
HT connectors’ £2. each
HT brass screws £1. each
HT lead sets with connectors £12.
Oil pumps reconditioned bored 1/32 veins ground £68.
Oil filler cap brass bayonet fitting £28.
Oil pump springs £3. pair
Oil pump relief ball and spring £1.50 each
Sump bolts £1. each
Sump plug £6. each
Petrol pump repair kit £20.
Petrol tap Chummy £28.
Brake stop switch £16.
Spring U bolts rear with plate £30.each
Spring U bolts Front £24.each
Spring Pins £18.
Spring Pin bush £4.
Patent plate all years £12.
Chassis & engine no plates £12. pair
Austin body disc & quote this no £24. set
Wiper Arm £24. each
Wiper blade £9. each
Head gasket low compression £30.
Head gasket high compression £30.
Cylinder Head studs £15. set
Cylinder Head nuts & washers 5/16 BSF £5. set
Exhaust Manifold studs and brass nuts £12. set
Exhaust Manifold brass nut £7. set
Exhaust Down pipe nuts and bolts £5. set
King pin set £42. set
King pin girling set £42. set
Cotter Pins £4.
Clutch lining with rivets £28. set
Clutch spring £12. set
Clutch levers 3 speed £32. set
Clutch levers 4 speed £32. set
Core Plugs large £1.
Core Plugs small £1.
Dynamo brushes £10. set
Mag dyno £10. set
CAV dyno £10. set
Lucas C35A £10. set
Lucas C35M £12. set
Starter brushes £10. set
Early 1923 Starter £10. set
Bacon Slicer starter £10. set
Starter brushes Later model £12. set
Pork pie rear light £52. each
Rear stop tail light (wing mounted) Ruby £52.each
Indicator sets 6 or 12 volt
4 lamps flasher unit and switch 
Electronic Indicator unit with hazard lights N/A
Reflectors rear £14.
Mag coil conversions complete    £485.
Mag switch c.a.v £38.
Mag bottom end gasket set £10.
Mag top end gasket set £12.
Coil gasket set £24.
Early Chummy starting handle £78.
Cowl neck early & late £18.
Wheel nuts Brass £5. each
Wheel centre chrome on brass Box £20. each
Wheel centre stainless Ruby £24. each
Schrader Valve cover Nickel or Chrome set 5 £48.
Brake shoe anvils set of 8 £6.
Brake bushes £3. each
Shocker link bushes set of 8 £8.
Shocker link washers £4. set
Spark plugs 18mm £5.
Spark plugs 14mm £4.

Carburettor Parts suitable for
Zenith 22FZ 1923-32
Price Gallery
Bronze up draught carburettor top and bob weights £32.
Carb top £28.
Bob weights £14.
Float needle and valve £26.
Jets, main compensating £26. pair
Slow running adjuster £14.
Choke flap for bronze carb £10.
Choke Spring £5.
Carb spindle £24.
Slow running Jet £20.

Carburettor Parts suitable for
Zenith 26VA 1933-39
Price Gallery
Side draught carburettor
Carburettor spindle 26VA
Carb jets main compensating £24. pair
Needle and valve £24.

Jet key £12.
Cowl badge cleaning masks £18.
Valve compressor £24.
King pin extractor £18.
Rear spring pin extractor £18.
Fly wheel extractor £24.
Hub extractor £20.
Clutch aligning tool £15.
C spanner £12.
King Pin greaser £10.
Half shaft securing tool for use when tightening nut £35.

GIFT / NOVELTY Price Gallery
Side draught carburettor
Carburettor spindle 26VA
Carb jets main compensating £24. pair
Needle and valve £24.

See our price list for more information.

We do our best to maintain prices throughout the year, however occasionally some items are subject to change due to increased costs beyond our control. Prices include VAT. Registration no 917077318